Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

De toegankelijkheid van mondzorg in kansarme wijken in Gent.

Arteveldehogeschool Gent
Imad Abed
  • Dania
    Imad Abed
Het is onbekend in hoeverre bewoners van Nieuw-Gent en Ledeberg de toegankelijkheid van mondzorg ervaren. Aan de hand van deze bachelorproef werden de baseline gegevens verzameld.
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Surveyonderzoek naar prodromen, strategieën en stemming en hun onderlinge correlatie in het kader van bipolaire-stemmingsstoornissen

Universiteit Antwerpen
The current study investigates participants’ perspective on the predictive relationship between (prodromal) symptomology and mood episodes. In addition, it aims to gain insight in successful self-management strategies. To this end, we launched an online questionnaire in The Netherlands and Belgium through several patient networks for bipolar disorder. Participants with bipolar spectrum disorder (n=100) were asked to indicate the predictiveness of certain early symptoms for either depressive or (hypo)manic episodes. In addition participants were asked how helpful certain strategies were in managing specific mood episodes. The results of the current study provide important user generated information that can be implemented in future mHealth self-management tools for bipolar disorder.Specifically, the present study has generated important insights into the predictive power of prodromal symptomology that signals the occurrence of an episode of mood dysregulation and will provide a database of successful strategies that specifically target such mood-symptom correlations when they arise and thus help to prevent further exacerbation of mood instability. Availability of such strategies to people with bipolar disorder through a mHealth application will be crucial to the effectiveness of their self-management.
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Evaluating a nutrient availability metric against data from Swedish conifer forests

Universiteit Antwerpen
Van Sundert
De vruchtbaarheid van bodems tussen ecosystemen op aarde vergelijken is een serieuze uitdaging. Als eerste stap om dit in de toekomst mogelijk te maken, heb ik in mijn thesis een bestaande formule voor bodemvruchtbaarheid geëvalueerd en verbeterd op basis van gegevens uit Zweedse naaldbossen.
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Mara Wetland Becomes Dryland

This thesis describes how the social-ecological system around the Mara wetlands has changed during the previous five decades. These wetlands are mainly fed by the Mara River, which has its sources in the Kenyan Mau Escarpment. After flowing through two worldfamous wildlife parks (Serengeti and Maasai Mara), it continues in the downstream Tanzanian Mara wetlands and finally flows out in Lake Victoria.
The major focus of this thesis is on how the riparian Wakenye people in Northwest Tanzania have adapted their livelihoods to the changing context.
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